"We are in the very midst of revolution, the most complete, unexpected, and remarkable of any in the history of the world." - John Adams in a letter to a friend in 1776

As we celebrate today with family and friends, let us not forget the trials and tribulations of our great country over the last 233 years and the men that started us on this journey. The parades, the fireworks, the cookouts, etc. are a great time, but take a moment to reflect on being an American.
Happy 4th of July to all.
Making History - By Peggy Noonan - The Wall Street Journal - "Monday, July 1, was heavy and hot, and a full-scale summer storm passed through the city late in the morning. John Dickinson of Pennsylvania rose to speak. He knew he was endangering the respect in which he was broadly held, his 'popularity,' but he once again counseled caution: Slow down, separation from Britain is 'premature,' to declare independence now would be 'to brave the storm in a skiff made of paper.' When he sat down, 'all was silent except for the rain that had begun spattering against the windows.'"
A Fresh Fourth - The New York Times - "It’s tempting to seek a kind of refuge in the Saturday-ness of this Fourth, to let the meaning of the holiday slip a little in the interest of a relaxing day in the backyard or at the beach. And since there is no proper ceremony for observing the Fourth — not much ritual besides a parade and some looking skyward after dusk — it’s left to each of us to decide just what to do about it."

As we celebrate today with family and friends, let us not forget the trials and tribulations of our great country over the last 233 years and the men that started us on this journey. The parades, the fireworks, the cookouts, etc. are a great time, but take a moment to reflect on being an American.
Happy 4th of July to all.
Making History - By Peggy Noonan - The Wall Street Journal - "Monday, July 1, was heavy and hot, and a full-scale summer storm passed through the city late in the morning. John Dickinson of Pennsylvania rose to speak. He knew he was endangering the respect in which he was broadly held, his 'popularity,' but he once again counseled caution: Slow down, separation from Britain is 'premature,' to declare independence now would be 'to brave the storm in a skiff made of paper.' When he sat down, 'all was silent except for the rain that had begun spattering against the windows.'"
A Fresh Fourth - The New York Times - "It’s tempting to seek a kind of refuge in the Saturday-ness of this Fourth, to let the meaning of the holiday slip a little in the interest of a relaxing day in the backyard or at the beach. And since there is no proper ceremony for observing the Fourth — not much ritual besides a parade and some looking skyward after dusk — it’s left to each of us to decide just what to do about it."
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